We had to look for a new that represent each complexity. There are 6 complexities.
1. Complexity Theory http://www.magazinedigital.com/historias/reportajes/especial-ninos-padres-escuela-una-relacion-con-malas-notas
2. The Context of a Complex Organization http://www.diariovasco.com/gipuzkoa/201703/20/gente-cree-inmigrante-llevar-20170320010508-v.html
3. Emerging Knowledge through
connections http://eldiariodelaeducacion.com/blog/2017/01/13/unschooling-y-si-la-escuela-fuera-prescindible/
4. Diversity and Redundancy http://www.diarioinformacion.com/alicante/2017/03/20/colegio-jesuitas-alicante-cambia-modelo/1873865.html
5. Balnacing randomness and deterministic order https://carlosmagro.wordpress.com/2016/12/01/evaluar-es-aprender/
6. Complexity theory and change in schools http://www.digitalavmagazine.com/2017/03/13/la-tecnologia-colaborativa-modifica-el-diseno-de-las-aulas/
Here Im going to add all the newspapers of al the groups, including ourselves.
1. Complexity theory, http://pub.lucidpress.com/06121780-f2f2-4df9-ba6e-195d6c753051/
2. The Context of a Complex Organization https://issuu.com/
3. Emerging Knowledge through connections https://issuu.com/architeach3/
4. Diversity and Redundancy. https://issuu.com/beatrizgonzalvezmoreno/docs/newspaper_fish
5. Balancing randomness and deterministic order http://es.calameo.com/read/00511860928a2b6e27c74
6. Complexity Theory and Change in Schools
Hello girls! I’m Maria and this week I am the journalist of the Wildcats! I was in your editorial team on Wednesday and I was surprised by how well you, along with the starfish group, organised the group work, thanks to that we could finished on time and we did a really good newspaper. Well done!