miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017


Andrea García: Supporter
Sara Gómez: Translator
Clara Blázquez: Journalist
Emma Giménez: Facilitator
Ana Giménez: Curator
Victoria Cano: Analyst
Marta Alcaraz: Star


On this week we had to work the Treasure Hunter concept. For as It wasn´t an easy task and we had to work hard to finally succed. Here we are going to write all of the information of the presentation and also the information about the threen map projection that we had to search for it.

Presentation about Iceland and Thainland:


MERCATOR: in this projection the more distorted lands are the ones that are more far away from the Ecuador. Iceland is far from the ecuador so is going to be more destroyed, it is represented bigger than it is in reality.

ROBINSON:  in this projection distortions are smaller near to the central meridian and the equator, so that Iceland is seemed to reality, because is close to central meridian.

AZIMUTHAL: is a projection in which the Earth globe rest on a flat surface. It produces a circular map with a chosen point at its center. The distortion of iceland depends on how far is from the center of the map, because as far the countries are from the center more distorted they are. If we take the North Pole as the reference point Iceland won


MERCATOR: This country is near the ecuador so that it is represented more similar to the real dimensions of the country

ROBINSON: This country although is far from central meridian, is close to equator, so its distortion is smaller.

AZIMUTHAL: is a projection in which the Earth globe rest on a flat surface. It produces a circular map with a chosen point at its center. The distortion of Thailand depends on how far is from the center of the map, because as far the countries are from the center more distorted they are. If we take the North Pole as the reference point, Thailand will be very distorted because It is far from the North Pole.
In the presentation we also had to answer some questions:
What could be the best projection for being used in a classroom?
We think that the best projection map that we can use in a classroom is the Robinson projection because after all we have read about it, we think that is the most similar to the reality and we must teach our students the things how they really are. He did a better balance of size and shape of high-latitude lands tan in Mercator.
Robinson's projection was created by the aim to find a good consensus to the problem of showing easily the globe complete in a flat image.
This is uses Google´s Atlas and adopted for National Geographic´s world in 1988
A specific media that could determine/distort the vision of students about something
Here in Spain, this media determines the students’ vision about what colour our skin is supposed to be.
Because of this distortion, Caucasian children will think that the true skin colour is like the pencil one instead of realizing that there are many other tones of skin. Besides, an African child (as an example) will never think that this colour is like the skin one.
In order to mitigate this effect and to avoid any racial discrimination or conflict, we should use another name to refer to this colour in our class.

Example of Treasure Hunt
The treasure hunt is an activity that has a dominant topic with a  list of questions about that topic that we are working and finally the big question, a fundamental part of this task, supported by some links where the students can enter and search the answer to the clues and questions. The purpose of this activity, is to have more knowledge, (in an interactive way) about one topic that the teacher want that their students improve on it.
After all the examples of treasure hunt that we have seen on the internet, we have chosen this one, its topic is the solar system, including the list of questions, each links and finally the big question.

“Media are not neutral.”
The fact that they make us see a certain vision of the world it does that we grow believing things that actually are not.This could create prejudices and make ourselves believe what they want that we believe, depriving us of freedom to create our own vision on the things.
In this activity we can observe previously said because some projection maps make ourselves see countries bigger than they are And by this way, subconsciously, we give them more importance, in spite of the fact that it is not like that.
Media tries to create a distorted vision of the reality, to the whim of those who dominate it , with the aim that we all see the things of the same way

This week, during our classmates’ presentations, we had to write what elements facilitated our attention or made it difficult.
The majority of our classmates did really good and original performances. In addition, they talked fluent, so we could understand them easier. Although there were some colleagues that couldn’t finish their presentations because of time, they gave us interesting information.
Some of the presentations were not so remarkable, but the information was clear and well explained. Nevertheless, there were two performances really original, interesting, and also funny.

We really enjoyed our classmates’ presentations, so that we think that they made a good job. 

Apart from the presentetion that we did in class we had to look for some information about the different map projection that we had been working with:

Projections – Defining terms and recognizing patterns
A globe is the only “perfect” representation of the Earth’s surface. All maps are distorted in four major ways. The four ways maps are distorted is by the distance, direction, shape, and area of the landmasses being mapped. In order to make maps, projections mustbe made, and different projections require different distortions. For each projection listed below, complete the chart for the correct information.


It was specifically created in an attempt to find a good compromise to the problem of readily showing the whole globe as a flat image.

The Robinson projection has the four different distortions: shape, direction, distance and area.

Not free of distortion anywhere but the severe distortion near outer meridians at high latitudes seems less objectionable than in other pseudocylindrical projection

There are some pseudocylindrical projections that have got similar characteristics as Robinson projection, these are projections of Agnese, Wagner and Patterson among others.

The Robinson projection is unlike most other projections in that it is not constructed by a mathematical formula used to transform coordinates systems. It is instead constructed by reference to a table of transformation parameters for meridians and parallels with an interpolation for locations between those given in the table. The table was created empirically to achieve a pleasing effect when the entire world is displayed.

It was created for a company, so it had got comercial issues. Robinson makes the world "look right", better balance of size and shape of high-latitude lands tan in Mercator.


It was to represent the Earth into a flat surface by making an idealized model of it as an inflatable balloon inserted into a cylinder.

The type of distortion in this projection is in the area, because it exaggerate the size of the land that is far from the Ecuador.

The areas that are more distorted are the ones that are far away from the ecuador. For example, Groenland is bigger than Africa and in real life is in the other way round.

There are three versions of this projection: oblique mercator, universal mercator and transversal mercator.

The main problem is the distortion of the land which create a wrong vision of the reality. Other problem is that It is not possible to differentiate the dimensions of the parallels, and also the meridians do not  join to the poles, because the poles are not represented in the map.

It became the standard map projection in the XVII century for nautical purposes. It was a revolution for the navigation


To obtain the vision that would be achieved already is from the center of the Earth or from a point of the exterior space.

Distortion of the areas
Distortion of the angles

The areas of most distortion are the zones most removed from the center of the plane.

The variants of the azimuthal projection are:

Equidistant projection: it supports the scale of the distances with regard to the center of the map. This projection is not equivalent and is not similar. With this projection, a map of the entire world is a circle with the projection center in the center of the map.

Orthographic projection:It consists of representing geometric elements or volumes in a plane, by means of orthogonal projection. It's aspect is that of a photography of the Earth. There exist several forms of orthographic projection, depending on the position of the plane:
-The polar one. The points of reference are the poles.
-The equatorial one. The point of reference is in the equator.
-The oblique one, which can be in any other point fewer 2 previous ones.

Stereographic projection: It is a graphical system of representation in which the surface of a sphere is projected on a plane pencils of lines that happen for a point, or area. The most typical feature is that the scale increases as we move away from the center.

Gnomonic projection: Through this projection, every point of a sphere is connected from his center by a line until intersect in a tangent plane to the sphere.

It does not allow to represent the whole Earth, for what as it is the tangent one can be: polar, equatorial or oblique.In addition it distorts the regions as you move away from the center of the plane.


Azimuthal created a map projection that could be used as a learning resource in order to show children the differences about the size of different country and how they change depending on the point of view. This can influence children's opinion about life and they can appreciate that things are not like they think.

This week our teacher encouraged us to look for this hashtag and investigate what was happening with it:
It is a collaborative project of georeferencing and mobile technology, promoted by the LaceNet team  ( is an association of educational professional of the town of Bages and they are interested in the educative use of telematic) and with the support of the participating centers, as well as the collaboration of the UPC.The protagonists of this project are the students of the secondary schools, with the support of their teachers.
Moving around a big city is not an easy task for those who live in the outskirts. That is why the LaceNet network has organized an activity for young people. This activity has the aim of helping the young people locating any point of  the city by combining the classic tool , such as maps, and the latest technologies such as internet mobile, geolocation, QR codes etc, also this activity will be done in cooperative groups
This project is a good motivation for the students because of the using of the innovative tools to get all the knowledge about the city without feeling insecure in any moment.
The use of apps allows the student to communicate easily with their teachers, while they are doing the task


Hi everybody!! My name is Emma and this week I have been the facilitator of my group whose name is “Spikyteachers”. But this week has been impossible to get all the members together, but we have done “Skype” with Sara this week because she was ill and with Andrea.

First of all, we decide what role had to do each person of the group. We have to studying three different projections which are: Mercator’s projection, Robinson’s projection and Azimutal’s projection. We had to choose two countries, one within Europe and the other outside, our team has chosen: Island and Thailand.

Two members of the group were collected information about the different perceptions of the projections. And other were in charge of looking for a “treasure hunt” and do the prezi .
But we did not finish all the task on Monday and we followed on Tuesday. As I am the facilitator of the group I have to say that we work very well as a group. Every week each one of us is the facilitator of the group and it is important to be agree when we decides how we are going to do the task.

Finally, on Wednesday we did the presentation of this task with Marta that this week she was the star of the group; she had to say all the information in nine minutes.


Hi everyone! I'm Clara, the journalist during this week and I'm going to tell you a kind of story about what have we done.
Everything started last Monday after knowing what was our third task about. We used the rest of our time in class to think about what were we going to do and also when and where were we going to met in the afternoon. We decided to meet all together at half past five in La Merced, and we were there working until half past eight.
Our first idea was making a poster for our presentation, but we realized that we didn't have enough time to do it because this task had many concepts that we have to explore, so we agree to replace the handwork with a computer presentation.





We also met on Tuesday, but this time in our mate's student housing, as there is a working room.


Although one participant of our group was ill, we could get in contact with her both days through Skype and she made her work as if she were there with us.


The next day all the groups made their presentations one by one to the whole class. It was very useful for us to see what had our classmates done and how had they interpreted the task.


To conclude, I would like to say that I have enjoyed a lot during this week performing this role, as I was in charge of taking photos, videos, interact in our social networks, etc.

Finally, here you have one of our colleagues' blog to have a look of their blog.


Hi people! I'm Victoria and this week I'm the analyst. 

Before start I should say that the task for this week has been very difficult for us.
On the one hand, the best part of the activity was when we had to investigate how to work with Prezi, because some of us knew this webpage but some others don't, so we have yo work all together in order to create a commun Prezi presentation.

On the other hand, the worse part of the task was we had alredy done a lot of work for presenting the activity un class and we realised that de had to do a computer presentation. This was due ti the fact that we understood badly the instructions of our teacher, so we had to start again.
Our best moment was when we made a Skype call with Sara since she was ill. It was very funny because we laugh a lot with Sara's faces.

The worse moment as a group was when we didn't understand the relationship between the task and cartograophic projections, so we didn't know how to enfocate our activity un a good way.
During this task we have learned a lot about map projections and how these affect our concept of reality, because before doing this activity we didn't know that it exist different ways of seeing the world and that each country could has a different size in each one of them.
From my point of view, regarding next tasks we should conserve our ability of working as a group and of dividing the work in order to work faster, since by this way, we'll learn more and we can share our knowledge with our team mates.

Due to the fact that during this week we have had a lot of problems in doing our task, we should improve our attention in class in order to better understand the chore.
This task could be related with other contents of our degree from the point of the treasure hunt, because it's a methodology and in our degree we're learning a lot of different types of methodologies to apply in our future class.

This task is present in our daily life since we're always connected with media and, as map projections, media disturb the reality. Due to that fact we should know that things that media shows us are not always correct.

Thaks for reading, the Analyst.


Hello everyone!!!! 😊

I am Sara and this week I have been the translator of our group.
This week I haven´t gone to any class because I have and sprained knee, but I have tried to do my best in this activity. Nowadays distance is not a problem because we have many facilities to get in contact.

Here I am going to explain some of the word that we have explored this week:

Treasure Hunt: It is a game. In this game a person or a team wants to reach the first position in finding something hidden with the help of clues

Map Projection: It is the representation of the Earth´s globe in a flat map

Crayon: a stick that we used to colored a drawing. There are crayons in many colors

Distortion: The act of distorting something, changing the natural shape of something

Mitigate: to attenuate a negative thing, especially a disease


Hello, I am Ana and this week I am the curator-farmer of my group. For that reason I am going to show you the different sites in which we find information in order to do this task. I hope that you would find these links helpful.

Blogspotcomes. (2017, no-date). La Aventura de la Ciencia. [Weblog]. Retrieved 24 February 2017, from http://laaventuradelaciencia.blogspot.com.es/

Blogspotcomes. (2017, no-date). Proyecciones Cartograficas (IV) : Proyecciones Azimutales . [Weblog]. Retrieved 24 February 2017, from http://cartounam.blogspot.com.es/2013/04/proyecciones-cartograficas-iv.html

Dean, M. (2013). Geoawesomeness. Retrieved 23 February, 2017, from http://geoawesomeness.com/map-distortions/

Geekcom. (2014). Geekcom. Retrieved 23 February, 2017, from http://www.geek.com/geek-cetera/geek-answers-which-map-projection-is-best-1591108/

Georeferenceorg. (2017). Georeferenceorg. Retrieved23 February, 2017, from http://www.georeference.org/doc/robinson.htm

Map-projectionsnet. (2017). Map-projectionsnet. Retrieved 23 February, 2017, from http://www.map-projections.net/compare.php?p1=mercator-84

Vterrainorg. (2017). Vterrainorg. Retrieved 23 February, 2017, from http://vterrain.org/Projections/UTM.html

Wikipediaorg. (2017). Wikipediaorg. Retrieved 24 February, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_map_projections

Wikipediaorg. (2017). Wikipediaorg. Retrieved 23 February, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_hunt_(game)

Wiscedu. (2017). Wiscedu. Retrieved 24 February, 2017, from http://maplib.geography.wisc.edu/the-robinson-projection/


You can also find information in this link:


Hello!! I am Marta and this week was my turn to the star role, so I'm going to share my experience while doing.

We have been working really hard on this task and finally came the moment to be the star. I had to expose in front of all the class and our teacher in the task, this made me feel very nervous because I have stage fright, and it was horrible to me, but I did an act of bravery and I do my role, unfortunately I had to expose the first and when I had started to present I got a mental block and the situation got worse. Finally I achieved to end the presentation with some problems.Moreover I think, as all my group think the same, that this was the most difficult task.

Although the experience was not too good, for me it is an opportunity to find the way to calm my nerves, because I am talking about something in the future, besides it is an incentive to do my best The next time.

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017


Andrea García: Facilitator
Sara Gómez: Supporter
Clara Blázquez: Star
Emma Giménez: Curator-Farmer
Ana Giménez: Analyst
Victoria Cano: Translator
Marta Alcaraz: Journalist


This week we had to do an activity about TPACK .

In this activity we explored this concept throught some question that our teacher gave to us. Then we had to represent the concep in an infromation map

What exactly is TPACK? (p.e. it is a technology, theory, a model, an animal, poetry, an author? All of these? About what?)
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a model created by the professors  Punya Mishra and Mattew J. Koehler from the State University of Michigan between 2006 and 2009, that identifies the types of knowledge that a teacher needs to dominate to integrate the ICTs on an effective form in the education that it gives.
TPACK is the interaction of three primary forms of knowledge: Content (CK), Pedagogy (PK), and Technology (TK).
It also gives importance to new manners of knowledge that vary in the relations between them, showing four additional areas that teachers can apply to the technological teaching: Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK).
What are the essential elements of TPACK and how are they related each other?
TPACK stands for: Technological Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge and Content Knowledge. And from the relationship between these three main areas appear:
  • Technological Knowledge (TK): this is the knowledge and mastery of technology so that an educator can use and confidentially use of technology in the classroom including when it is not required
  • Pedagogical Knowledge (PK): This is the knowledge and practice of teaching & learning that an educator can use such as classroom management, taxonomies, planning & assessment…
  • Content Knowledge (CK): This is the knowledge of subject content such as concepts, theories, ideas, frameworks, evidence & proof and established practices  including ways to develop such knowledge.
  • Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)  links together the pedagogical and content knowledge to bring about learning that is built upon strong subject knowledge and teaching  & learning strategies.
  • Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) links together technology and content knowledge to bring about learning that is built upon strong subject knowledge and a mastery of “more than the subject they teach”
  • Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK): Is “an understanding of how teaching & learning can change when particular technologies are used in particular ways” Knowling a range of tools & their appropriateness within different strategies.
  • Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): this is truly meaningful, deeply skilled teaching with or without (because sometimes this can be the best choice) technology. It differs from three individual concepts because to embrace all three simultaneously requires a deep understanding of how all three can work together to bring about the best technologically and pedagogically sound learning based upon a deep understanding of subject matter. An example of this might be a lesson plan based upon assessment (PK) which looks at the content matter (CK) which examines how technology (TK) could transform learning.
How would TPACK be useful for you?
As we want to become teachers and nowadays technology is always present in our lives, we must know how to use this type of tools to integrate them in our lesson in a correct way.
Our generation has seen how the technology invaded our classrooms and how teachers started used them to improve the quality of teaching. But it also occurred in other aspects of our daily life like in.
Besides is a tool that we as teachers, we could use with the aim to extract the best of the students, developing other capacities that could be developed thanks to the intervention of technologies.
How is TPACK related to your degree?
Our degree help us increasing our knowledge about technology, because it will be very useful in our future . We will be able to introduce the technology in our classes in an easy way and making the teaching-learning process more easy to carry.
If we don't have this knowledge we won’t know in our future class how to apply in a way that help our students learn more easy, because teaching is not only about knowledge, is also about knowing how to apply the technologies and methodologies we have in our knowledge..
Also, try to answer the following question to us: There is an important part of the Teacher’s action that is not already included in TPACK model? Is TPACK enough to understand the work of a teacher?
It could be necessary to include some elements related to personal interaction of teachers with students, such as the importance of having a personal relationship with them.
Diversity has to be included too. Although exist a model of students, every child is different, so we can say that TPACK is not enough to understand the work of a teacher. This model offers a big amount of information about what teachers have to know, but there are many elements that teachers learn by practice, not studying.

Apart from the creation of an information map about TPACK, this week we have had another activity. The day of the presentations, we had to answer some questions to our classmates during their expositions. These questions were about what captured our attention most, if they prepared something that we not, also if we did something that our colleagues did not, and finally we had to give them some advices.
What more attracted our attention of our classmates’ presentations was the great originality of their information maps, as well as their good expositions. In addition, it was interesting the contact that our classmates had with the listeners, since they were doing them participants of the expositions by interactive posters. Also, the majority of our colleagues’ posters were related to their team name and they used different types of materials to create them, so that was something that we liked so much.
There were several things that our classmates did in a different way from us. Many groups explained what types of information maps exist and why they had chosen what they did. Moreover, they also gave us information about the evolution of TPACK throughout time and showed lot of examples. They also talked about different dates related to the topic and the future of TPACK.
In general, all the presentations were original and our classmates were good communicators, but in some posters we watched that letters were very small and was difficult to read it. This was something that we had kept in mind, so that we tried to do our poster the biggest that we could. Apart from that, we think that our classmates did a great job.

Lastly, we realized that the majority of our classmates were nervous and we understand them, so that we advice all of them that they had to be calmed, because they were doing a good job.