We start doing the task on monday in class, creating a general idea about what we have to do. Later on Monday afternoon we meet in the library, firstly we start to search information about the given questions on the internet, also thinking about what information map we will choose and an original way to do it, once we decide what to do we have started to do it being so creative.
The next time we meet that was on Tuesday, it was based on the creative work because we elaborate the manual work doing the information map introducing inside the TPACK concept, we were all the afternoon doing a cooperative work really peacefull and efficient, we have divided the work between each other in a very equitative way, at the end of the day Andrea as she was the facilitator she came with chocolate to motivate the team. It was a hard team work but we finally ended with success.
And finally on Wednesday, Clara and Sara our stars have presented our task in class, explaining in five minuts to each class group what information we have found and by showing our information map, developing the TPACK concept.

And finally comes up the day that our stars shone, presenting our task in an interactive way to the rest of the class.

We are ready for discover our next adventure task!
This week we have commented in a post of ArchiTeachers, you can click here to visit.
ArchiTeachers: �� T R A N S L A T O R: Hi workers! ���� I am Carmen Díaz and this first week I am in charge of the translator role. We have been working on Conceptual photograp...
Also here I find another post of a blog that could be useful, that we also comment.
Experiencias Innovadoras y Recursos para Educación Infantil: UN RECURSO PARA TRABAJAR LA EDUCACIÓN EMOCIONAL DI...: La capacidad de reconocer nuestros propios sentimientos e identificarlos en los demás es algo de vital importancia, algo que no se desarroll...
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