miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017


Hi everybody!! My name is Emma and this week I have been the facilitator of my group whose name is “Spikyteachers”. But this week has been impossible to get all the members together, but we have done “Skype” with Sara this week because she was ill and with Andrea.

First of all, we decide what role had to do each person of the group. We have to studying three different projections which are: Mercator’s projection, Robinson’s projection and Azimutal’s projection. We had to choose two countries, one within Europe and the other outside, our team has chosen: Island and Thailand.

Two members of the group were collected information about the different perceptions of the projections. And other were in charge of looking for a “treasure hunt” and do the prezi .
But we did not finish all the task on Monday and we followed on Tuesday. As I am the facilitator of the group I have to say that we work very well as a group. Every week each one of us is the facilitator of the group and it is important to be agree when we decides how we are going to do the task.

Finally, on Wednesday we did the presentation of this task with Marta that this week she was the star of the group; she had to say all the information in nine minutes.

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