jueves, 27 de abril de 2017


Andrea García: Journalist
Sara Gómez:  Translator
Clara Blázquez:  Curator
Emma Giménez: Supporter
Ana Giménez:  Star
Victoria Cano: Facilitator
Marta Alcaraz: Analyst

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017


This week we have had  to explore the different types of leaderships that we can find in the schools. Each group of our class chose a one and represent it in the class. The star this week had to personalize a candidate to the direction of the centre and create a campaign.

Of the seven different groups that there are in the classroom, only two groups chose a different style from the participative.
And now, we have classified the groups with the type of leader that they chose:
  • Spacers: Transformational
  • Architeachers: Participative
  • Flower Power: Partcipative
  • The Superstar Teachers:Participative
  • Starfish: Transactional
  • Fishers in the River: Participative
  • Ladies&Gentleman: Partcipative
As we can see, all groups except "Spacers" and "Starfish" chose participative style. In this type of leadership the relationships within the school are very important ; in autoritarian, the most important thing is the authority, if someone does not do what the leader wants this person will be punished. In the transactional style, we can stand out rewards, if you give me, I give you, and benefits are really important; and in the transformational there is not anything that stands out, because this style is in constant change.

Here you can see the discourse that we created for ous star:

Good morning.
I am Ana, the candidate for been your Headmaster.
Have you ever felt that you are not valuated or your work do not receive the consideration that its deserve?
If you vote me, this will change and I am going to show you why. But, don’t worry, I will be brief.

All of us have dreamt with a school in which will reign the dignity, respect and participation of all members of it. For this reason, I introduce myself as a candidate to change the current management system, because everyone deserves to be heard and taken into account no matter where we are.

Usually, people have make us believe that having leaders who impose their workers, who have the power of taking all decisions and who do not worried even for their own team, is the right thing.

By contrast, I bring a change here, I bet on an education in which we all have voice, in which we are all participants in the decisions that are going to take place within the center.
I bet for creativity, for common effort to work for a good devélopment of our students.

If you vote me, I promise you that every effort will be valued, the talent will not be left behind, we want to embrace the capacities of each member of the community and that no one feels left behind, as Henry Ford said; “Coming together is beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”

As you can see in this image, my objectives are clear. I want to create an environment in which all of us are treated with equality and dignity; where we work together, including me.For that reason I am concerned about the compromise of achieve this objective.

I promise that if I win these elections I will create a new educational center eliminating the traditional learning methods as well as one of the biggest enemy of children: the textbook, which makes them learn in a mechanical and boring way.

In order to achieve this objective, I propose making the child the protagonist of his/her own learning, experimenting, investigating and internalizing all the contents by project based learning. As Ignacio Estrada said “If a child can't learn the way we teach maybe we should teach the way they learn”.

I can also say that it will continue being a bilingual school, given the importance that talking more than one language has nowadays.

In addition, I purpose to set aside the system in which the unique interest of the leader are the objectives and the work that should be developed, worrying about the well-being of each and every member of this center, attending to the needs that are required in each moment. There will be replaced the fear and the terror that normally people had to the leader by the confidence and calm, creating a relationship of equal to equal between all.

On the other hand, punishments will not exist because of a wrong behavior, but the big contributions and successes will be rewarded. Therefore, the problems that could emerge  will be treated in a reasonable way, through the dialog and comprehension of the parts implied instead of what has been till now, where the leader was the only one that was taking part in the conflict and was solving it in the way that seemed to be the correct for him without taking into account nobody else.

To conclude, the access to a favorable education is in your hands and for this reason I want to be participant of it. I know that there are a lot of candidates and all of them are suitable for it, but I am convinced that I can offer you a new vision that can make you change the way of looking at education.
And remember, as Nelson Mandela said “ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.

We have done a poster for the star with the phrase :

"The school that we wanted. It's the moment"!

Finally, we created our own pin:


Hello everybody! My name is Marta and this week I have to evaluate all the members of my group and the task in general, as I'm the analyst.

The task of this week was about the different types of leadership. Firstly, we had to learn this the teacher has facilitated us a document and then having this knowledge, then we have to elaborate a speech according to a leadership profile, with the aim of being elected  in the elections of a school, to be the headmaster.

If I have to choose the worse part of the activity, I would say it was the moment when we have to start to write the speech, because the begginings are always difficult. However once we had started to write it with clear ideas, the process was entertaining. Reggarding to the best part of the activity, for me it was imagining the ideal school where we want to impose our leadership, because I have always dreamt about that school.

The best moment of the week Was when we were doing the publicitary poster of Ana for the elections, we laugh a Lot. In contrast the worse moment of the week, was when we discuss about the leadership style that we will choose.

Definitely what  we have to improve for the next week is to be a more effective group, because we distract our attention easily. However we have to conserve the good atmosphere we have as a group. Also, this task has relation with our degree , because in a future we will identify these leaderships in the social context of a school.

I hope all of you like my reflection of this week!
Thanks for your attention!! 🌵


Hello everyone!! I am Victoria and this week I am the facilitator of my group 🙋

In the task of this week we had worked with the different types of leadership.

We had to imagine that we were candidates for the headmaster of the school and we had to prepare an electoral speech to try to convince the public. We prepared our speech and we exposed it during 10 minutes in front of the rest of our classmates.

On Monday, Linda exposed us the topic and gave us a document abou the types of leadership. In the afternoon we met to choose our type and to star thinking abour the speech and the things that we were oign to o for our campaign. Me, as facilitator, brought some sweet for my team in order to make easy our work.

On Tuesday we met again to follow with the speech and to finish the rest of the things and our star Ana 
tested what she was going to say the following day.

On the campaign day we, as weel as the rest of the groups, did a good job and it was very funny

That's all for this week. 

Thanks for reading.
See you next week!!!🙌


Hello everybody! I am Ana and this week I have been the star of my group.

We have celebrated the elections for the direction of a school and, as I have been the star, I have had to make a speech.

I was really frightened because I had to talk around 10 minutes and I thought that my nervous would damage my exposition. However, my teammates support me and they were a great hep. They write the discourse with me; and also they create all the publicity material for my campaign (posters, badges...).

We decided that it would be better if I would not read the speech, so I decided to memorize it. I must confess that I thought that it would be more complicated, but I was able to do it.

While I was memorizing it, I practised my performance with my colleagues. We decided to do a little scene for my entrance to the elections. Each member of the group had a role, Victoria and Andrea were my bodyguards; Emma was a fan; Sara was in charge of the music; and Marta and Clara distributed the publicity material. It was really positive for my presentation because I felt support; and also it made the speech funnier for my classmates.

Although I was really nervous, I think that I realised a good campaign as well as the other stars.

This is all for this week.
I hope you enjoy this post.
See you soon 😀🌵 


Hi everyone!! I'm Clara and I have the role of the Curator-Farmer, so I'm going to show you what pages do we have visited for this ninth task. I hope you like it!!!

Flaticoncom(2017)FlaticonRetrieved 27 April, 2017, from http://www.flaticon.com/

Jamendo, S(2017)Jamendo LicensingRetrieved 27 April, 2017, from https://licensing.jamendo.com/es?gclid=Cj0KEQjwrYbIBRCgnY-OluOk89EBEiQAZER58pAq23RYxHMAaesnqsKhV0-EiggKgBYQnQrPfmGiC3QaArsq8P8HAQ


TASK 9: Leadership Styles, by spikyteachers


Hi everyone!!! I am Sara and this week I am the translator, the words that we have explore are:

- Speech: it is a way of communication in spoken language, made by a speaker to a big group of audience. I t is also the power of speaking of expressing own thought and emotions.

- Leadership: is the ability to leader a group

- Capstone: the finishing top of a structure.


Hello everyone! I am Andrea, this week my role is the journalyst, so in this post I am going to tell you our experience doing the task number nine during this week.

At the beginning of the week, we attended to school organization class, where we met the homework of the week and started working on it. The first step we took was the distribution of the roles. In this task, as all of us complete the realitation of the seven roles during the course, we repeat the role we had the first week. For that, Ana have been the star. When she realized that she was going to be the star of this task, she got incredibly nervous, because she was going to present on wednesday a ten minute speech by her own. We, the spikies, trust a lot in Ana and her responsability, so we tried to encourage her and give her confidence to relax and not be afraid to do the presentation.

On Monday afternoon, we met at Marta´s residence. There we can have a room to develop our tasks, what is quite useful for us. We are confortable working there.
Curiously, that day we have to leave the room and move to another place, as others needed to use the room to practise music. Quickly, we found a different place to continue working on the activity comfortably.
To brighten the evening, as we spent a lot of time working on the activity, we brought some snaks. We had to recharge batteries! But…it got out of hand, because Ana drank an energy drink and she got excited and became really active.
In case it was not enough, to this we add the nerves she had about the presentation. She was euforic, it was really fun!
The following day we met again to continue doing the task. We did the speech for the star, Ana, and we also took her a picture in order to do a poster with a forceful phrase that convinced the people to vote Ana: "The school that we wanted. It's the moment".

During this two days we have been working toguether the seven of us in the same place, because we could enjoy the company of Sara! Who has not been able to attend for some time. Anyway, this was not a problem since she worked very hard from home during that time.
We were happy for being the seven of us toguether again!

The long awaited day arrived soon, Ana was nervous but confident because she prepared the speech well. Before the presentation we went to another classroom to practice the staging. Victoria and me were the bodyguards and we disguised ourselves as such. Emma played the role of ana´s fan, she had to pounce on ana to allow Vic and me do our work as guards. It was so funny!!
In short, we spent a good week working on the task obtaining a satisfactory result.

By last, I leave you some photos here:

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy it!

See you next week!

miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017


Hi everyone! I´m Marta again, but this week I have another role, that is the journalist role. 

The week start on Monday discovering that this new task, will be probably the most difficult one. So we start reading the document that the teacher gave to us that is the decalogue. Once we have clear the main ideas of the decalogue, we continue thinking about how we will represent in an stop motion of the basics for a new educational law, with ten scenes that will be the ten parts of the decalogue.

However the crazy day was without any doubt, on Tuesday, that we were doing the stop motion video from 15:00 o´clock until 00:45 in the night. 

For me this task was a madness, finally we manage to do it with some problems, consequently we are stronger than problems.

Here I let you some photos that I have take this week during the task:

On Monday thinking about how we will represent the stop motion, doing skype with Sara and Clara that couldn´t come:

And then on Tuesday...

Finally presenting our stop motion on Wednesday by our star Emma at Eurovision:

As a journalist I also comment in two blogs that I consider that have interesting posts, here they are:


Another one form the blogs of our class:



Hi! I'm Victoria, the analyst of this week.
Before start, I have to say that It has been a difficult week, because a lot of us were sick and they couldn't meet each other.

On the one hand, the best part of this task, I think that is the time that we have spent together, since we had to do a lot of things during the afternoons and we have discovered interesting facts abour our classmates. On the other hand, the worse part would be that it was a lot of work just for two days, so we have felt very pressed and the stress has done that we have had some small disputes.

Without any doubt, the best moment of the week has been when we were taking the photos since we had to stay a lot of time in the same position and that seemed to us to be very funny. In addition, we were already so many hours working so we were exhausted.

We have learned how to use the "stop motion" technic and how to edit videos with photos. This has seemed to us to be interesting since it can be a good resource for our future and is a good method of creating original videos to represent an idea.

For the next weeks, we must preserve the capacity of teamwork and of understanding the rest of the group because this does that our tasks go out forward and that we learn from others.Nevertheless, I think that we should improve the calculation of the time because we always are very stressed and probably if we were dividing better the time everything it would be more relaxed.

This task is usefull for us because we can use it in any other course because it's a good resource in roder to créate a video to show our classmates, teachers or pupils whatever we want.

That's all for this week!
Thanks for reading. See you!!


Hello!! I am Ana and this week I am the facilitator of the Spiky team. 

The task of this week has been about stop motion videos, so we have done one in order to represent the main ideas to create a new Educational Law. 

We had got a lot of difficulties during the realization of it, because some of our colleagues were sick and we were less people to take photos. 

The first day, we started reading the text "Decálogo ideas-fuerza documentos de bases para una nueva Ley de Educación" in order to decided what we were going to symbolise in the video. We talked to the colleagues which could not come by Skype.

The second day, as all the ideas had beed thought, we started doing our video. We organized what we had to do, so that, while some of us were taking photos, the others made the material that we needed and mounted parts of the video. 

I tried to motivate my team since I was the facilitator, though we also supported each other. We were so estressed and the video took us long time but, finally, we were so proud of our work and our effort, because the task went well. 

That is all for this week.
I hope you enjoy this post.
See you soon 😁🌵


Hello!!🌵 I am Emma and this week I have been the star of our group. To start I want to say that this task has brought great dedication of time because we had to make a stop motion in two days
and for this reason we have worked very hard and we have tried to make it as best as possible, and we have put forward and effort in this task.

On Wednesday in class the function I had to make the star of each group was to make joins brief presentation of the video and it has been evaluated by our classmates.
In class, we watched all the videos and will do our particular version of the Eurovision contest.

The videos have been evaluated in the following way, each group was given a number of points which could be: 12,10,9,8,7,6,5,4.
In my opinion,the worst partof this work has been to evaluate the other groups all have done a good job, but we could not give twelve points to all the groups.
All the videos have been very funny and entertaining, so I am very happy of our work,
we are a great team


Hi!! I am Sara and this week I am the curator of the Spiky Teachers team!!!
This week we didn´t have to look for information so we just used the document that we had to work with and we also we looked for some information about the Stop Motion videos

(2013)Blog de La Sombra ProduccionesRetrieved 7 April, 2017, from https://bloglasombraproducciones.wordpress.com/2013/01/30/que-es-el-stop-motion/

Blogspotcomes. (2017). Blogspotcomes. Retrieved 7 April, 2017, from http://stopmotionedu.blogspot.com.es/2014/11/tipos-de-stop-motion.html


TASK 7.2 STOP-MOTION, by spikyteachers


Hello! I am Andrea, the translator of the group in the task we have done this week.

Doing the task 8 we have learnt new concepts, then, in orden to explain and remember them I am going to define this words:
-Stop Motion: is a technique which consists in pretending the movement of objects through the sucession of pictures of that obejcts in slightly different positions.
-Decalogue: Is a set of rules that are considered basic for an activity.
- Inclusive Education: It is consider the difference a value, allocating the necessary resources to who needs it.
-Educational compensation fund: provide money for students whose families are in a disadvantaged economic situation.
-Ratio: the maximum number of students a teacher can have per classroom.


Andrea García: Translator
Sara Gómez: Curator
Clara Blázquez: Supporter
Emma Giménez: Star
Ana Giménez: Facilitator
Victoria Cano: Analyst
Marta Alcaraz: Journalist


Our mission this week was to create an advertisement in Stop-motion format to show the key ideas of the Decalogue developed by the platform #porotrapoliticaeducativa about the basics for a New Educational Law in Spain. We also had to uploaded it to YouTube and on Wednesday we showed it to all the class. Besides, we have to spread our video during this holydays for people to know about this ideas about education.
Hope you like it!! Thumbs up on YouTube!! 🌵👍💚