Hello!! I am Ana and this week I am the facilitator of the Spiky team.
The task of this week has been about stop motion videos, so we have done one in order to represent the main ideas to create a new Educational Law.
We had got a lot of difficulties during the realization of it, because some of our colleagues were sick and we were less people to take photos.
The first day, we started reading the text "Decálogo ideas-fuerza documentos de bases para una nueva Ley de Educación" in order to decided what we were going to symbolise in the video. We talked to the colleagues which could not come by Skype.
The second day, as all the ideas had beed thought, we started doing our video. We organized what we had to do, so that, while some of us were taking photos, the others made the material that we needed and mounted parts of the video.
I tried to motivate my team since I was the facilitator, though we also supported each other. We were so estressed and the video took us long time but, finally, we were so proud of our work and our effort, because the task went well.
That is all for this week.
I hope you enjoy this post.
See you soon 😁🌵
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