Of the seven different groups that there are in the classroom, only two groups chose a different style from the participative.
And now, we have classified the groups with the type of leader that they chose:
- Spacers: Transformational
- Architeachers: Participative
- Flower Power: Partcipative
- The Superstar Teachers:Participative
- Starfish: Transactional
- Fishers in the River: Participative
- Ladies&Gentleman: Partcipative
As we can see, all groups except "Spacers" and "Starfish" chose participative style. In this type of leadership the relationships within the school are very important ; in autoritarian, the most important thing is the authority, if someone does not do what the leader wants this person will be punished. In the transactional style, we can stand out rewards, if you give me, I give you, and benefits are really important; and in the transformational there is not anything that stands out, because this style is in constant change.
Here you can see the discourse that we created for ous star:
Good morning.
I am Ana, the candidate for been your Headmaster.
Have you ever felt that you are not valuated or your work do not receive the consideration that its deserve?
If you vote me, this will change and I am going to show you why. But, don’t worry, I will be brief.
All of us have dreamt with a school in which will reign the dignity, respect and participation of all members of it. For this reason, I introduce myself as a candidate to change the current management system, because everyone deserves to be heard and taken into account no matter where we are.
Usually, people have make us believe that having leaders who impose their workers, who have the power of taking all decisions and who do not worried even for their own team, is the right thing.
By contrast, I bring a change here, I bet on an education in which we all have voice, in which we are all participants in the decisions that are going to take place within the center.
I bet for creativity, for common effort to work for a good devélopment of our students.
If you vote me, I promise you that every effort will be valued, the talent will not be left behind, we want to embrace the capacities of each member of the community and that no one feels left behind, as Henry Ford said; “Coming together is beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”
As you can see in this image, my objectives are clear. I want to create an environment in which all of us are treated with equality and dignity; where we work together, including me.For that reason I am concerned about the compromise of achieve this objective.
I promise that if I win these elections I will create a new educational center eliminating the traditional learning methods as well as one of the biggest enemy of children: the textbook, which makes them learn in a mechanical and boring way.
In order to achieve this objective, I propose making the child the protagonist of his/her own learning, experimenting, investigating and internalizing all the contents by project based learning. As Ignacio Estrada said “If a child can't learn the way we teach maybe we should teach the way they learn”.
I can also say that it will continue being a bilingual school, given the importance that talking more than one language has nowadays.
In addition, I purpose to set aside the system in which the unique interest of the leader are the objectives and the work that should be developed, worrying about the well-being of each and every member of this center, attending to the needs that are required in each moment. There will be replaced the fear and the terror that normally people had to the leader by the confidence and calm, creating a relationship of equal to equal between all.
On the other hand, punishments will not exist because of a wrong behavior, but the big contributions and successes will be rewarded. Therefore, the problems that could emerge will be treated in a reasonable way, through the dialog and comprehension of the parts implied instead of what has been till now, where the leader was the only one that was taking part in the conflict and was solving it in the way that seemed to be the correct for him without taking into account nobody else.
To conclude, the access to a favorable education is in your hands and for this reason I want to be participant of it. I know that there are a lot of candidates and all of them are suitable for it, but I am convinced that I can offer you a new vision that can make you change the way of looking at education.
And remember, as Nelson Mandela said “ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
We have done a poster for the star with the phrase :
"The school that we wanted. It's the moment"!
Finally, we created our own pin:
We have done a poster for the star with the phrase :
"The school that we wanted. It's the moment"!
Finally, we created our own pin:
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