miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017


Hi everyone! I'm Clara and this week I'm responsible for the analyst role.

This fourth task was about free resources and visual presentations, and in my opinion, the most suitable part of it was that, at the same time that we had to do an oral presentation for showing to our classmates an specific topic from Primary School, we had to elaborate another slideshow summarizing the main tips for doing an ideal presentation, what means that we first knew all the steps that we have to follow in order to do a good presentation, and after that we put it into practice.

Opposite to that, the worse part of this activity was that we didn't actually know how to do a slideshow for people to read it by themselves and not for presenting it orally, as we tend to do.

On the one hand, a positive aspect to emphasize, is that when we met all together on Tuesday afternoon, we spend a very good time, mainly because our facilitator took some snacks for all of us and from time to time we made breaks to relax and to recover energy in order to continue working. But I think that what really makes us being comfortable when we are together is that we are not workmates only, we all share a wonderful friendship relationship.

On the other hand, the worse moment of this week was Monday afternoon, because we had some problems to meet all together, as some members of our group weren't able to do it due to health problems and also because others had to go to their cities. Finally, we decided to divide the work for that afternoon and to look for information at home. It wasn't a very big problem, but we prefer to work the whole group together as much time as we can.

With this activity we have learned how to find and how to create free content in a legal way, and we also have learned the keys for creating and performing a good presentation. This knowledge is closely related to our degree because visual presentations can be required in any of our subjects. Besides, is compulsory to make those presentations and even any kind of work according to Creative Commons License.

To conclude, I could say that thinking on the next task, our whole group should keep our enthusiasm and our motivation because it makes us more positive, and we have to improve in the way that we divide our work, because this week sometimes two of us have been doing the same thing by mistake, so it makes us lose time for work.

Thanks for reading!

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