miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

TASK 7.2

This week we explored the 5 different types of relationships that exists at school. After reading a chapter to understand these, we created an scenario for each one and our colleages  had to perform them on Wednesday. The different scenarios that we invented are:

Teacher-student connection

While explaining the different types of animals in a third grade of Primary School class, Abdel, a muslim child, said to all the class that in his house they don't eat pig. All the students started asking him why and the teacher Inés, to clarify all their doubts explained them that depending on the culture and sometimes the religion, people eat some animals that others don't. For example in Asia is usual to eat insects and here in Europe we don't do it.  

Connections between peers

Pablo is a child who suffers bullying inside the classroom, all the children joke of him. This harms him in his academic development, since he feels depressed and unmotivated. To half of the year, Julia begins to approach him, to play with him and to establish a confidence relation.  Due to this, Pablo's development increases since he feels happier and self- confident.

Connections within the learning context.

Fernando, who is a teacher in 6th grade of Primary School, has realised that his students are uncomfortable with his way of teaching, besides they do not acquire well the content needed in this subject. He became aware of this situation, apart from what he has observed, also because there are a lot of students that make him questions during his lessons. For that reason, Fernando has decided to change his teaching methodology, evaluating their students and indeed, giving their lessons through the execution of projects.

Connections beyond the classroom

In Maria’s school, every year is celebrated the foundation anniversary, so they are very excited. Every year, Ana, a gym teacher, goes to the school and takes a “zumba” class; on the other hand Alberto, a volleyball coach , organises matches between students and teachers. So each group makes an activity and later they'll exchange the activities.

Connections within learning

We are in the first year of Primary Education, in the class of Physical Education.
When the children arrive to this level, they already know how to walk, run or even jump coordinately. What we are going to do is motivate this abilities taking into account what they already know (walking,running..) because if they won´t know how to do it they wouldn’t be able to perform the games correctly, so by doing this games they will develop the knowledge that the already have.

An example of the games could be ‘catch after you’ or rope-jumping.

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