miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017


Hello!! I am Andrea and this week I have been the star of my group.

This week we had to do a presentation about a Primary Education topic and then exposed it on Wednesday. The subject we chose to explain in the presentation of this task has been music. I was really motivated about this topic because I love music and I am so interested on it.

First of all, we worked on the slides to organize the information. Then, I prepared the presentation so that I was in the place of a primary teacher. Being in front of the class was not an easy task, but I got confident when I started talking. Also, I felt more secure and supported by the presence of the rest of my group at my side during the presentation.

I fell dissapointed with myself because I think that I did not distribute the time correctly, and that is why our presentation was interupted in the middle, but I am very happy for the good job that we did all together.

After this activity I feel more confident in talking in public.

Definetly, I have learned a lot with this task because I have had the opportunity to experience at first-person teaching this specific content about music.

See you next week!

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