miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

TASK 7.1

This week we have explore the different complexities that exist in a school

We had to look for a new that represent each complexity. There are 6 complexities.

1. Complexity Theory  http://www.magazinedigital.com/historias/reportajes/especial-ninos-padres-escuela-una-relacion-con-malas-notas

2. The Context of a Complex Organization  http://www.diariovasco.com/gipuzkoa/201703/20/gente-cree-inmigrante-llevar-20170320010508-v.html

3. Emerging Knowledge through
connections http://eldiariodelaeducacion.com/blog/2017/01/13/unschooling-y-si-la-escuela-fuera-prescindible/

4. Diversity and Redundancy http://www.diarioinformacion.com/alicante/2017/03/20/colegio-jesuitas-alicante-cambia-modelo/1873865.html     

5. Balnacing randomness and deterministic order https://carlosmagro.wordpress.com/2016/12/01/evaluar-es-aprender/

6. Complexity theory and change in schools http://www.digitalavmagazine.com/2017/03/13/la-tecnologia-colaborativa-modifica-el-diseno-de-las-aulas/

We had to bring our 6 news to class. The star of the group was the "editor" and she had to create a newspaper of the complexity that the teacher awarded our group, our complexity was Balancing randomness and deterministic order.
 Here Im going to add all the newspapers of al the groups, including ourselves.

1. Complexity theory, http://pub.lucidpress.com/06121780-f2f2-4df9-ba6e-195d6c753051/

2. The Context of a Complex Organization https://issuu.com/victoriacano/docs/vuelta_al_nuevo_cole_definitiva

3. Emerging Knowledge through connections https://issuu.com/architeach3/docs/periodico

4. Diversity and Redundancy. https://issuu.com/beatrizgonzalvezmoreno/docs/newspaper_fish

5. Balancing randomness and deterministic order http://es.calameo.com/read/00511860928a2b6e27c74

6. Complexity Theory and Change in Schools

1 comentario:

  1. Hello girls! I’m Maria and this week I am the journalist of the Wildcats! I was in your editorial team on Wednesday and I was surprised by how well you, along with the starfish group, organised the group work, thanks to that we could finished on time and we did a really good newspaper. Well done!
