miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017


Hello!! My name is Emma and this week I´m the journalist of the group. During this week we have worked on our 7.2 task, we have continued with the work taht we did last week.
This week we are exploring about what means complexity and how this affect the relationships at school.
And after and then we had us to divide by groups and choose a scenario and make a brief representation in a time of 3:50 seconds.
Here I´m going to explain and to show you some pictures of the moments that we were working on the task.

On Monday we do not meet because we had divided the information by groups, Victoria, Sara, Andrea and Emma  were responsible to read the complexities two, four and five,. And Marta, Clara and Ana were responsable to read the complexities one and three.

But on Tuesday we met  and each of us explained what had understood about the complexitys and after we thought  a stage for each of them.

 And this week Sara was the star of this task:

 Firstly, I commented in the blog of architeachers. https://goo.gl/i5cTAc

And also I have commented in a blog that I think that it is interesting. https://goo.gl/PSB0RM

1 comentario:

  1. Hi girls! I'm Marisa the journalist during this week of starfish group! I’ve been through your blog to have a look and I really like your wallpaper, its seems you pet! Moreover, all of your post are nice! see you spikies!
